Jul 30, 2011

my eye tears

By Shinta Miranda

i've entrusted my tears, Ma
yesterday was poured
lasting from a pitcher
the color is clear like glass

scintillation light will you see, Ma
today they are flying
of an eternal city toward yourself
lovers love the color red

the distance is thousands of leaves in the wind
thousands of time is the pebble gravel cold night
you still have time to hear from me later
from the eyes of your water that has become my tears, Ma

Jakarta, June 16, 2011

Shinta Miranda. Woman's poet, her works found in many social media sites. Living in Jakarta.

Jul 25, 2011


By Sitok Srengenge

For you perhaps my attended just fictitious, though I’m not far from you
I dwell inside, is like a fire that animates the furnace
For you can be anything you want, I hope you did not hesitate my attend

Every time I watch outstretched wings that overlay an area of the universe
Translucent hands touching objects so bright
Despite the love, hate and lies, always as ephemeral mirage

I glory in the heart, in thought I was intelligent, in a follow-me beauty
I'm pointing the way, my spark of hope. Uncover the veil of knowledge,
explain my understanding. Relieve my footsteps to freedom
I'm light, making it a virtual muddy, give love

I was the rainy season, weeping bitterly begging sun series
I weather the night, the moon shined bright for the clamp
Shoots like a yearning, I swerved to reach you in vain
Flattery the body, snap soul, until one day I was devastated after dusk

True light radiating from within
Bright light outside only faint reflections
If your eyes closed universe dark
Undoubtedly an expert body when the light goes out

May 26, 2011

Sitok Srengenge. The famous poets. Live in Jakarta.

Jul 20, 2011


By Kembara Gelungan Hitam

land never revenge on a wave
faithful to steal the edge

none a second occurred to collect

of understanding to the uterus
because all just the while

there is no eternal in the grain of sand
mud contaminated, until
white makes it gray

love and hate
like a thin fog which arrives
cool left in the air

winds off the coast of the children playing
with the joy of his childhood

; like yesterday

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Kembara Gelungan Hitam. Woman poets, often wrote poems and prose writings. Very productive in the work. Living in Cikarang.

Jul 15, 2011

In a City

By Nona G Muchtar

O come
give me a poem
tonight my longing to be mist
gathered outside the hotel window
in a city,

Makassar, June 2010


The tree and hibiscus

I walk between longing and loneliness creeps,
makes the shadows of the face is not perfect time for me to stop by
then again I let the trees and hibiscus growing in my chest...

Bintaro, 2010

Nona G Muctar. The woman poets, live in Makassar.

Note: Hibiscus flower - bunga kembang sepatu

Jul 10, 2011

back to this red light

By Sofyan Adrimen

there is a lump of meat wrapped heart of the sun burned
melted in the black asphalt, heat the remaining coins to accumulate points
his body became disabled in embedded fate
but her eyes were deriding the palm of his hand,
like a condemned man who threw the coins that collected

little girl burst offers dim moon in her eyes
bud poked a note of the sentence and I look in her eyes
such as finding roots for the sake of uric by uric dismantle drug
and I found a handful of the word bitch
who are still learning to uric
on it full of black clouds altercation

Semarang, June 22, 2011

Sofyan Adrimen. A poets. Live in Semarang. His work can be found on social media sites.

Jul 5, 2011

There Animals At Your Tongue

By Ishtar Maryam

What it was growing on your tongue, sir?
he that spread and never forget you feed poison
It is a poison that would kill me if I was not careful when
flirt with you

Let's breed all sorts of animals such as yours
wife's yours is mine, yours and mine
bred in our tongue

the tongue is full of the fetus could

- Dining table, June 28, 2011


Ishtar Maryam. Enjoys writing and her works can be found in the mass media and social media sites. Living in Bandung.