May 23, 2013

Morning Reading By Dew

By Wanto Tirta

morning reading by your dew
heart feels light
cool down in the booth time
sense of luminous
opening page
write love with coolness

increasingly dive
feels right
really truth

increasingly embrace
feels right lovingly

April 28, 2013

Wanto Tirta. Lives in Central Java.

May 16, 2013

Sketch without Ink

By Augustinus Abraham

I open the rice hood
there is a screams hungry echoed
then I closed again

I open the fridge
no demonstrators sounds tearing capitalist brands
then I closed again

I turn on the tv
there is an artists and photo model fuck by the politicians
then I turn off the tv

I went outside the home
watching the concrete muscles of the capital city arm wrestling
ignoring the inconsequential leader's speech

:then I burn another cigarette

Rawamangun, May 12, 2011

Agustinus Abraham. Lives in Jakarta.

May 9, 2013

Kala Bendu

By Regi Sastra Sena

In this country...
On dry land, a bird pecked the rocks
Turns up to be fired

In this country...
On dry land, a fish swimming in the sand
Until sahara into ocean

Denpasar, May 1, 2013

Regi Sastra Sena. Lives in Denpasar.

May 2, 2013

The Twilight

By Eni Meiniar Gito

Range ocean flavor
Stretching white froth
Our wet air on the shoreline
Hugs tightly linking waves
While still tasted salty
Gulls and fir pay off all of the longing

April 27, 2013

Eni Meiniar Gito. Lives in Bengkulu.