Jan 25, 2013

Me and you in slices

By Handoko F Zainsam

I am me, and half of you
You are you and half of me
So me and you created
Being we are in a slice

Jakarta, February 2010

Handoko F Zainsam. The writer.

Jan 12, 2013

The face was etched into the rain

By Yanwi Mudrikah

The face was etched into the rain
Together wind breeze
:are often destroyed my soul

This time, the drizzle would be etched into beautiful
As the rain last december
:become your face

August 2011

Yanwi Mudrikah. Lives in Purwokerto, Central Java.

Jan 5, 2013

Rain in the City of Atlas

By Rara Sarasva

Rain always brings nostalgic
In the black puddles in your town halls
On the night of the week is always interrupted by time
In the arms that carries bitterness
In the tears that I always disguised by granules rain
And the heart is lost by uncontrolled anger.

December 10, 2012

Rara Sarasva. Lives in Semarang, Central Java.